Benjamin Verdonck met last minute programma in het Brusselse Kunstenfestivaldesarts

Benjamin Verdoncks meest recente tafeltoneel in een reeks van drie, Gille leert lezen, duikt op in het festivalcentrum van het Brusselse Kunstenfestivaldesarts. 

After notallwhowanderarelost which was premièred at the 2014 edition of the Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Benjamin Verdonck made a number of other table theatre shows of which Gille leert lezen is the most recent and also the smallest to date. With few words, lots of pieces of string, two colours, a pair of shoes and a cat, a contraption hesitantly takes shape. Originally made as didactic material for a school where he is working, Kunstenfestivaldesarts has added this miniature show to its programme at the last minute.   

It can be seen at the Kunstenfestivaldesarts festival centre on May 6th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 19th and 28th 2016.

Fifteen minutes, language no problem!

Concept and execution Benjamin Verdonck with the assistance of Aidan Radier, a Toneelhuis/KVS production

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