
Toneelhuis initiates and/or participates in a number of urban, local and supra-local development initiatives. 


We work with WIPCOOP (Work in Progress Cooperative), a performing arts platform for young artists. Together with numerous art organizations in Brussels, Ghent and Antwerp, we mix and match the right support for up-and-coming artists who often have not been trained in the arts, but whose story and artistic practice undeniably deserve support from the art world. 
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Toneelhuis supports de nieuwe spelers, a preparatory programme for young performing artists who can benefit from extra guidance to find their way in the arts. De nieuwe spelers (the new performers) prepares them for the admission tests of theatre schools in order to become professional artists in theatre or film. The final project of the 2024 class will be shown during the Antwerpse Kleppers festival.


In the annual Love at first Sight (LafS) Festival, Toneelhuis present projects by young theatre makers in close collaboration with Antwerp art houses like Monty, Rataplan, Arenberg Schouwburg, hetpaleis, Trix, De Studio, detheatermaker, Het Bos, WP Zimmer and DE SINGEL. Over the course of four days, the public can become acquainted with remarkable artistic projects at locations scattered throughout the city.
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Each year with our Ateliers, we offer a studio, guidance and support to a number of theatre makers and/or collectives in the making of their theatre production. We do this in collaboration with other art organizations in the field, such as Kaaitheater, Hiros, VIERNULVIER and Les Halles de Schaarbeek. These are productions for the large stage and will be programmed in Toneelhuis at a later date.


In Open Office, a number of Antwerp art organizations (Monty, Het Bos, WP Zimmer, De Singel, Toneelhuis, detheatermaker, Morpho and WIPCOOP) join forces on a monthly basis to meet with artists and cultural workers who have questions about realizing their projects within the terms of the Flemish Arts Decree.