“Katelijne Damen brengt deze literaire parel met zoveel liefde op de planken dat het Toneelhuispubliek meer dan anderhalf uur aan haar lippen hangt.”

Zo vatte Ludo Dosogne Orlando samen op Cobra.be.

Some press quotes:

“It is the almost magical atmosphere and intoxicating mastery of the language which make this play a real gem. (…) Damen was rewarded for her gripping performance with a standing ovation by half of the auditorium. The other half was probably still waking up from the bewitching trance put on them by Orlando.” - Jan-Jakob Delanoye on Cutting Edge****

“He, Guy Cassiers, has pulled it off again. Or rather: she, Katelijne Damen, has. Both wanted to make an ode to the imagination. To language. To beauty. To the senses. To life. They succeeded, and how!  – Tuur Devens at Theaterkrant.nl ****

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