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Benjamin Verdonck trok naar de steenkoolmijn in Blegny en legde er een bijzonder voorwerp te ruste. Zijn project EVEN I MUST UNDERSTAND IT is alive and kicking...

To two platforms, which firmly believe there is good reason for ecological optimism, Benjamin Verdonck sent an extraordinary contribution of his making, namely a short film entitled wake up, young miser, stinginess wastes your power.     

Benjamin Verdonck: "Two years ago I was talking to a friend at a party on an old steamboat. We discussed the reduction of carbon emissions and actions to represent that reduction. Later that night, we found a lump of coal in the ship’s hold and we decided to take it back to where it had come from. There we would lay it to rest. To make room for something new...". 

And that’s precisely what happened.... Check out the film here!

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