Fotografe Frieke Janssens

Frieke Janssens (Brugge, 1980) startte op haar vijftiende met een opleiding fotografie in avondschool en skipte daarmee de piloten-, politie- en de ponydroom: ze zou fotograaf worden. Tijdens haar studies fotografie aan Sint-Lukas in Brussel was ze hoofdzakelijk geïnteresseerd in lifestyle, sociologie en stereotypes, omdat ze het gevoel had in twee werelden te leven.

In her work she tries to tell a story that fascinates her audience and one that either avoids or deliberately exploits clichés. She is inspired by paintings and comic strips but also by real estate websites. She works with an eye for detail, a sense of humour and a touch of surrealism.

Frieke Janssens has taken photographs for advertisements for companies like Nestlé, Jeep, Metro, Belgacom, Nestea, BNP Paribas, Renault, Hyundai and Canvas. Her controversial 2011 exhibition Smoking Kids was shown in Antwerp, Russia and at Lineart in Ghent. She made the poster for the 2010 and 2011 editions of the Theatre by the Sea festival.