Voorbereidingen voor MCBTH in volle gang

Regisseur Guy Cassiers en componist Dominique Pauwels (LOD muziektheater) openen het Toneelhuisseizoen met één van Shakespeares bloederigste en donkerste stukken.

Despite being a general, Macbeth feels misunderstood and misused by those around him. Strengthened in his dissatisfaction by his wife, he lets nothing stand between him and power.

With five actors, six musicians (SPECTRA), three female singers (VOCAALLAB) and amazing visual technology MCBTH tells the story of a man whose every murder takes him a step further away from reality. The audience is privy to Macbeth’s thoughts. Through his senses we experience a world that takes on strange and sinister forms.

Guy Cassiers and Dominique Pauwels (LOD) go in search of a new form of music theatre. The projections, the music and the singing become important fellow players in the story and reveal a dimension that is hidden and suppressed in the spoken word.

At the Bourla and on tour from September 26th  

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