Rouge décanté voor de tweede keer in het Canadese Montréal

“Eindelijk terug”, zo kondigt Usine C in Montréal de voorstelling aan. Vijf jaar geleden was Rouge canté te zien in hetzelfde theater, op uitnodiging van het Festival TransAmériques. Na vijf jaar keert de voorstelling terug.

“For his remarkable actor, director Guy Cassiers constructed a large echo chamber which shows us what tattered intimacy looks and sounds like.
Cassiers’ great strength is in scenic writing in which the simplest procedures seem to have great refinement, while the technologies used – several cameras, direct projections, image manipulation, amplified sound – merge into a surprisingly organic entity. The rain streams down the walls of this psychological cave, we hear the buzz of insects and the growl of animals: memories linked to emotions, those of a child running barefooted through a charnel house where people derive pleasure from humiliating and debasing others.” Le Devoir, 28.01.13


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