What if the theatre were the belly of a huge whale? Or no, wait – a futuristic, completely unknown ecosystem?
Enthused by the poetry of Inger Christensen and Jeff Vandermeer’s eco-science fiction, Ezra Veldhuis and Bosse Provoost call upon the entire technical apparatus of the theatre to stretch your imagination to the fullest. In Indoor Weather, the lighting, sound and fly bars are on an equal footing with the human performers. All of these elements are involved in a mysterious game whose rules lie just beyond our comprehension. A greyish green glow suddenly falls upon the stage and then spreads like an oil slick through the theatre; an actor recites passages from it, the monumental cycle of poems by the Danish poet Inger Christensen from 1969; soundscapes swell and recede in the space as if coming from high and low pressure areas. Who is influencing whom in this constantly mutating environment? What is dependent on what? Is the environment a mainstay or an opponent?
In front of the mountains, and before the mountains
burn or break up as planned,
houses are set up, but just houses
that are not real houses, but just real
fronts of unreal houses
into which everyone can easily run
when an artificial rain begins
(poem from it, Inger Christensen)
In front of the mountains, and before the mountains
burn or break up as planned,
houses are set up, but just houses
that are not real houses, but just real
fronts of unreal houses
into which everyone can easily run
when an artificial rain begins
(poem from it, Inger Christensen)
concept, director, light design
- Bosse Provoost
- Ezra Veldhuis
creation & play
- Nathan Ooms
- Kristien De Proost
- Lobke Leirens
- Benjamin Cools
- Sébastien Hendrickx
outside eye
- Edith Cassiers
directing assistance
- Laurens Aneca
sound design
- Benne Dousselaere
costume design
- Carly Rae Heathcote
- Milan van Bortel
thanks to
- Max Pairon
- Inger Christensen
Oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd door
- Gyldendal, geproduceerd in samenwerking met Gyldendal Group Agency.
- Toneelhuis
- P.U.L.S. - Project for Upcoming Artists for the Large Stage
- De Grote Post
with the support of
- Workspacebrussels
- Kunstencentrum BUDA
- de Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid
- Casa Kafka Pictures Tax Shelter powered by Belfius