Under the title, De man zonder eigenschappen, Guy Cassiers stages Robert Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (The Man Without Qualities), one of the great novels of the twentieth century. He does this in three separate parts, which together show a society in the process of disintegration.
With Robert Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (The Man without Qualities) Guy Cassiers directs one of the great panoramic novels of the twentieth century. The story is a critical, ironic and grotesque painting of a society – the great Austro- Hungarian Empire – which is dancing on a volcano, unaware of its imminent eruption. Musil proves an engineer of the human mind and also a subtle craftsman who exposes the machinery of political and social life. In Cassiers’ version De man zonder eigenschappen consists of three parts which show the prism of a disintegrating society: De parallelactie (The Parallel Action, part 1), Het mystieke huwelijk (The Mystic Marriage, part 2) and De misdaad (The Crime, part 3). The three parts can be seen together one last time in a marathon session in Antwerp.
- Guy Cassiers
- Erwin Jans
- Robert Musil
- Erwin Jans
- Guy Cassiers
- Filip Vanluchene
- Yves Petry
- Dirk Buyse
- Johan Leysen
- Gilda De Bal
- Vic De Wachter
- Katelijne Damen
- Liesa Van der Aa
- Wim van der Grijn
- Marc Van Eeghem
- Tom Dewispelaere
- Dries Vanhegen
- Katelijne Damen
- Johan Van Assche
- Enrico Bagnoli
- Guy Cassiers
light design
- Enrico Bagnoli
image editing
- Frederik Jassogne
sound design
- Liesa Van der Aa
- Diederik De Cock
artistic collaborator
- Luc De Wit
live piano
- Johan Bossers
musical adaptation
- Johan Bossers
costume design
- Valentine Kempynck
- Toneelhuis
- Toneelhuis
- CDN Orléans
- Maison de la Culture d'Amiens
- Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg
- Holland Festival