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Toneelhuis, Martha!tentatief, Ruud Gielens & Bart Van Nuffelen

A report from the fringes of the city

Every city has this kind of street. A street that funnels traffic in and out of the city. A street where everything that exists separately elsewhere comes all together in a whirl. A street where you don't want to go, but sometimes just have to be.

This is the story of such a street. An overcrowded street. A dreary street. A littered street. A street of loss. A street of arrival. A street of hope. A street with dreams. A street full of hidden beauty. A people street. 

Writer Bart Van Nuffelen and audio-maker Pauline Augustyn wandered along the Bisschoppenhoflaan for months while spring turned into summer, summer into fall. They talked to one hundred residents – and gave the street a voice.

Honderd is a performance by Slongs (Charissa Parassiadis), who tells the stories along with Scale, (Kris Strybos) who also provides the mesmerizing soundscape. Directed by Ruud Gielens.

On 16 June 2024, one hundred residents of the Bisschoppenhoflaan will set foot on the endless plain of the Bourla for a unique theatrical evening. After that, Honderd will tour in Antwerp’s Cultural Centres with Slongs and Scale.
The performance is part of UNLOCK THE CITY!, a European project supported by the European Union's Creative Europe programme.

"An incredible power radiates from Honderd, without it ever becoming in the least romanticized."

Wouter Hillaert in Pzazz , 18 June 2024

"With its rubbish, traffic and drug problems, the Bisschoppenhoflaan in Antwerp’s Deurne district is not a popular place to live. But theatre makers from Marthatentatief are adjusting that image. Together with 100 residents, they have given the neighbourhood a more human aspect. “You’ll find enchanting elements everywhere.” "

Nina Dillen in De Tijd , 15 June 2024

"I ran into Pauline at the dog exercise field,” says Jos. “I’m rather an introvert, but there was something so disarming about her that I invited her home and told her about the cross I’ve borne for almost 40 years. I lost my son in an accident on 23 August 1987, the day before he would have turned eleven. It does me good to see our story being shared with an audience through this play. I consider that a tribute. I seldom talk about my son, but not a day goes by that I don’t think about him."

"'Thanks to Honderd, the Bischoppenhoflaan feels like a warm nest again.' Behind the scenes at performance about Antwerp’s problem street. "

Ciska Hoet in De Morgen , 19 June 2024

A project by

  • Ruud Gielens & Bart Van Nuffelen


  • Bart Van Nuffelen

gebaseerd op interviews van

  • Pauline Augustyn


  • Ruud Gielens


  • Slongs (Charissa Parassiadis)
  • Scale (Kris Strybos)


  • Scale (Kris Strybos)


  • Tim Clement


  • Freya Proost


  • Toneelhuis
  • Martha!tentatief

the performance is part of


with the support of

  • Creative Europe: UNLOCK THE CITY!
  • Tax Shelter maatregel v/d Belgische federale overheid via LOOK@LEO
  • Stad Antwerpen

All data

  1. Saturday 21 September 2024 — 20h00 — De Klap, Deurne
    Sold out
  2. Sunday 22 September 2024 — 20h00 — De Klap, Deurne
    Sold out
  3. Saturday 5 October 2024 — 20h00 — De Theatergarage, Borgerhout
    Sold out
  4. Thursday 10 October 2024 — 20h00 — CC Schoten, Schoten
    Sold out
  5. Thursday 14 November 2024 — 20h00 — OC Nova, Antwerpen
    Sold out
  6. Saturday 16 November 2024 — 20h00 — Gravenhof, Hoboken
    Sold out
  7. Thursday 28 November 2024 — 20h00 — Rataplan, Borgerhout
    Sold out
  8. Thursday 19 December 2024 — 20h00 — Schouwburg De Kern, Wilrijk
    Sold out
  1. Sunday 16 June 2024 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen

News about ‘Honderd’

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