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A Revue

d e t h e a t e r m a k e r, Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe

A sublimely spectacular happening, somewhere between a decadent fashion show, a queer cabaret and a shamanistic fertility ritual.
Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe's imagination knows no bounds. In A Revue, the young director stages a retro-futuristic cabaret. What if, let’s say 2000 years from now, earthlings rediscover the classical repertoire and perform it?
What will the early music of the future sound like? Is it performed by people, robots or aliens? And will opera and ballet be vague memories by then, or a straw to clutch onto in the search for lost emotions?
Digging into the history of music, our earthlings explore the raw power of the voice and the body. Theatre becomes a time machine, as nostalgic as it is revolutionary. 

A sublime and spectacular happening that keeps on resonating long afterwards.

"Found it! A performance that gives you the feeling that you are having the night of a lifetime."

Sylvia Broeckaert in Klara , 15 October 2020

"Meirhaeghe's A Revue , with Louise van den Eede as dramaturge and 'librettist', is a stunning performance. A group of more than 25 performers, scenographers, costume designers, musicians and sculptors put their shoulders to this project at the edge of the established circuits. But even more amazing is the energy and panache with which the group taps into the revolutionary and erotic potential of (opera) music. A sensuous ode to live as a parade full of tenderness, pleasure and gender equality."

Pieter T'Jonck in Pzazz , 17 October 2020

concept, direction

  • Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe


  • Ellen Wils
  • Maribeth Diggle
  • Arnout Lems
  • Dolly Bing Bing
  • Simon Van Schuylenbergh
  • Jelle Haen
  • Bjorn Floreal
  • Oriana Mangala
  • Adrien De Biasi
  • Eurudike De Beul
  • Lionel Couchard
  • Sophia Rodriguez

text, dramaturgy

  • Louise Van den Eede

musical dramaturgy

  • Katherina Lindekens
  • Lena Meyskens

sound design and composition

  • Laurens Mariën
  • Jasper Segers


  • Maya Dhondt


  • Bart Van Merode
  • Julian Weber

light design

  • Bart Van Merode
  • Zaza Dupont

scenographic assistance

  • Zaza Dupont

Visual artists

  • Julian Weber
  • Sietske Van Aerde
  • Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe


  • Sietske Van Aerde
  • Julian Weber


  • Jelle Haen




  • d e t h e a t e r m a k e r


  • Opera Ballet Vlaanderen
  • LOD muziektheater
  • Theater Rotterdam / Productiehuis Rotterdam
  • Viernulvier

executive producer

  • Toneelhuis

with the support of

  • de Vlaamse Gemeenschap

thanks to

  • Les ballets C de la B
  • e.a.

All data

  1. Friday 13 June 2025 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  2. Saturday 14 June 2025 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  1. Tuesday 25 October 2022 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  2. Wednesday 26 October 2022 — 20h00 — Bourlaschouwburg, Antwerpen
  3. Wednesday 28 June 2023 — 20h00 — La Villette, Paris
  4. Thursday 29 June 2023 — 20h00 — La Villette, Paris
  5. Friday 30 June 2023 — 20h00 — La Villette, Paris
  6. Saturday 1 June 2024 — 18h00 — Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen, Hannover
  7. Sunday 2 June 2024 — 18h00 — Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen, Hannover

News about ‘A Revue’

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