Walking along the Champs-Elysées with a tortoise so as to have a better look at the world, but it is difficult to drink tea on an ice floe when everyone is drunk
"After all, we are all dreamers by nature, brothers under the sign of the trowel, born master builders" (B. Schulz)
'Wandelen op de Champs- Elysées (...) als iedereen dronken is' begins here and now. It takes a look at man as he is, was and probably always will be: fearful, alone and as sinful as the deepest sea is deep. It is in short a story about us and, we suspect, also about you.
We follow four mythical figures (the Crane Man, The Mental Concept Bakkie, the Blind Flying Woman and The Blue Artist) who have gradually become painfully aware of what is described above… And it makes them afraid. It terrifies them. Literally. The fear of dying grips them by the throat. For is it not written somewhere that all the evil deeds committed here on earth are punished in equal measure ‘below’.
Each of the four begins a personal struggle. They look for a way of avoiding death, or rather, of surviving life.
'Wandelen op de Champs-Elysées...’ is a visual production based loosely on Dante Alighieri’s ‘pine Comedy’ (the book in which the writer describes his journey to the middle of hell)
by and with
- Stef Aerts
- Bart Hollanders
- Marie Vinck
- Joé Agemans
- Thomas Verstraeten
- Matteo Simoni
- Ravelin Cielen
- Peter Apers
- Mark Calus
- Chris Decrae
- Mathieu Michiels
- Julian Valera
- Maurits Meire/Merx
- Maarten Wagemans
- Maarten Mertens
- Jo Verstraeten
- Jeroen Keygnaert
- Gio Van Antigone
- Joris Janssens
- Dennis Raemaekers
- Pieter-Jan Maesen
- Marie Vinck
- Matteo Simoni
- Joé Agemans
- Thomas Verstraeten
- Stef Aerts
- Bart Hollanders
- Rob Buelens
- Tile Vos
- Pieter Beckers
- Matthijs Kuyer
sound design
- Kurt Verleure
- Stijn Cole
- Liesa Van der Aa
- Tijs Delbeke
costume design
- Judith Van Herck
production management
- Kristin Van Der Voort
- Katleen Gils
- Celine van der Poel
- Iris Bouche
assistance costume design
- Kalina Malehunova
- Chris Snik
- Linse Van Gool
- Joke Raes
- Jelle Spruyt
- Sofie Silbermann
light consultant
- Harry Cole
technical direction, concept
- Joé Agemans
- Vliegclub Amsterdam
- Bert Depuydt
- Philippe Schellekens
poster image
- Xavier Zimbardo
design poster
- Afreux
- FC Bergman
- Monty