But with the end of summer and the rise of fascism, adult life presents itself. However much Charles would have liked it to, the freedom of those golden August days will not return. What had seemed like the prelude to a radically honest and liberal life turns out to be the beginning of a hopeless and cynical existence.
For Evelyn Waugh, mired in a bitter worldview, writing this novel was an attempt to recover the happiness of his younger years. Inspired by this self-analysis, De Warme Winkel uses Brideshead Revisited as a vehicle for an autopsy of love and an unfolding of our (sexual) identity. With live music composed by Rik Elstgeest and the memories and fantasies of Florian and Abke as the beating heart, they bring to life the epic love story Waugh so longed for.
Brideshead Revisited was made for (and with) the Holland Festival 2023. It ran for a month in the main hall of De Sloot, a breeding ground for theatre in Amsterdam. The twenty performances were sold out in no time, and De Warme Winkel soon received requests about bringing the show back again.
Together with Toneelhuis, De Warme Winkel is turning its site-specific version of Brideshead Revisited into a traveling production for the large stage. The set is being adapted so that the show will have just as much impact as it did in De Sloot.
A shimmering dialogue about love.
"Brideshead Revisited reveals itself to be a generous and highly vulnerable portrait of two people constantly navigating between shame and hope."
"While Brideshead Revisited is certainly no Waugh adaptation, Myjer and Haring have taken a literary classic and riffed on it freely, in a warm, vulnerable way. The Holland Festival may have been intended to bring the world to Dutch stages, but it’s good to see some Dutch artists join the party and claim the spotlight, too."
"In a heartbreaking fashion, the creators make the toxic and enduring influence of (internalised) homophobia palpable."
"And then suddenly the show ends, a special ending, indeed, but without having met the expectations that were raised. So, you’re left with a longing for more, and as you walk out, you realize that this goes perfectly with the show."
"Witty and vulnerable dialogues about sensuality and (queer) identity."
concept, text, play
- Florian Myjer & Abke Haring
- Scott Robin Jun
sound design and composition
- Rik Elstgeest
- Liesbeth Vreeburg
final director
- Ward Weemhoff
eindregie grotezaaladaptatie
- Suze Milius
- Daphne De Winkel
- De Warme Winkel
- Holland Festival
coproduction large theatre adaptation
- Toneelhuis
with the support of
- Ammodo