Mantike Bloom Boom advocates a multiplicity of perspectives and combats resignation. Author Louise van den Eede wrote the script. No doom-mongering or conspiracy, but fresh ideas for a new future.
Boom! Everything seems be going to pot. Bloom! And yet – there’s a shining light on the horizon. Now the whole lot can blow away. Marjan De Schutter storms on stage like a whirlwind in various guises. There’s only one last intermediary between dying bees and our fate. Mantike Bloom Boom.
Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe’s shows invariably start with a desolate landscape. In Mantike Bloom Boom, that landscape has an electrically charged atmosphere. Meirhaeghe likes to compare it to the familiar moment before a thunderstorm breaks out, when cows seek shelter under a tree, the sky darkens and the first breeze rises. What do people do at such a moment?
Mantike Bloom Boom is a hopeful warning. Prophecies. Colourful explosions. Vital splatters. Just in time, the end of time is avoided. Prrrrrt!
- Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe
- Louise Van den Eede
- Marjan De Schutter
- Benjamin Abel Meirhaeghe
- Toneelhuis
with the support of
- Tax Shelter maatregel v/d Belgische federale overheid via LOOK@LEO